Star Wars: Empire at War is a 2006 real-time strategy video game developed by Petroglyph Games and published by LucasArts. Set between Episode III and Episode IV, it focuses on the fledgling struggle between the Empire and the Rebels. It uses Petroglyph's game engine Alamo. In October 2006, an expansion titled Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption was released.While the online servers are dead, (Long live the online servers?)The online servers are back!!!The mod community is very much alive with mods released featuring The Old Republic, Realism mods, The New Republic, Halo, Star Trek, and many more with more on the way as of 2016!Mod developers get special flair! Just shoot a mod a pm with the link to your mod to verify.
If the file you download has a readme file with extra instructions for steam users, then follow those instead. Remake, but how would I play it with the clone wars. I've been wanting to do a mod spotlight for the Empire at War Remake mod for a while now but now it seems to be the perfect time to do with the release of their version 2.0 lite a few days ago. I've been a staunch follower of this mod for the game Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption since. Can I Run Star Wars: Empire at War. Check the Star Wars: Empire at War system requirements. Can I Run it? Test your specs and rate your gaming PC. System requirements Lab runs millions of PC requirements tests on over 6,000 games a month.
This mod catapults Empire at War into 2019. Some of the major changes coming to 2.2, refining the 2.0 and 2.1 beta test patches further into a brand new system. This one incorporates ion cannons as weapons that are more than just heavy damage dealers to shields, a counterpart to proton torpedoes, as powerful, but in a different way.
Priority targets.New ion cannon mechanics:Ion cannons are now going to play a more active role in combat. Depending on calibre, they are going to reduce the firerate of specific ship classes. In addition to their heavy damage to shields.Light ion cannons: Found on starfighters like the B-wing, TIE Defender, Skipray, and more.
Empire At War Remake Mod Steam Download
They are very fast and very accurate.On hit: Fighters, Bombers, and Corvettes have their weapons fire 25% slower for 2 seconds. Does not stack.Medium ion cannons: Found on frigates like the Vindicator, MC 50, Victory SD, Hapan Nova cruiser and more. They are a lot slower and more inaccurate than turbolasers.On hit: Fighters, Bombers, Corvettes and Frigates have their weapons fire 50% slower for 2 seconds. Does not stack.Heavy ion cannons: Found on capital ships like the Imperial SD, MC 80, Sabaoth Destroyer, Centurion and more.
They are extremely slower and extremely inaccurate. Think lobbing giant energy balls, artillery more so than precision energy weapons. You will not be able to hit fighters, corvettes, and most of the time frigates with these projectiles. These are purely anti capital ship weapons.On hit: Fighters, Bombers, Corvettes, Frigates and Capital ships have their weapons fire 100% slower for 2 seconds. Does not stack. Every added projectile (dual, triple, quad) adds 1 second to the duration, up to quad heavy ion cannons for 5 seconds.The purpose of this change is to give ion cannons a central role in combat, where they become targets as important as say, proton torpedoes. To prevent capital ships from being too oppressive, the accuracy and speed of the projectiles is set so that a capital ship will have a very hard time hitting a frigate.We'll continue with the 2.1 beta system of increasing heavy frigate and capital ship health to what it should be, doubling their total HP for capitals and a +-50% increase to heavy frigates, depending on the unit.
We'll also increase the cost of these units by 50-100%Since the HP change combined with the ion cannon change skews the combat in favour of heavy battleships, bomber craft like the Y-wing, B-wing, Skipray ect. Will get their Ion Torpedo ability back. A once-per-battle usable ability that counts as a heavy ion cannon shot (+100% reload time on weapons across all ship classes) that lasts for 20 to 30 seconds, depending on what balance testing finds is best.This will make it so you will be able to disable enemy capital ships even though you do not have a capital ship yourself. Of course it can be used on frigates and corvettes as well. Highest Rated (16 agree)I'm really quite fond of this mod- particular highlights are your inclusion of some of my favorite Imperial ships, as well as the fact that you seem to admire the work of Ansel Hsiao as much as I do.
I love all the completely new ships as well as the revamped models of the existing ones (more to come?), I love the accurately-sized fighters, I love the description of the Nimbus (though question your judgement of such a beautiful fighter). I especially enjoy that you've resized and renamed some ofJul 13 2015 by ArmchairAkula.