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Google Chrome Privacy Error

Google Chrome Privacy Error

There are several possible solutions to this issue:. Do not use self-signed certificates in Encryption Management Server. Use certificates generated by an internal or public Certificate Authority instead. Use a different browser. Firefox, for example, will generate an error message for self-signed certificates but it allows exceptions to be stored. Make a Windows registry change to disable the Chrome check for SubjectAltName. Generate a self-signed certificate that includes the SubjectAltName.A change can be made in the Windows registry to cause Chrome to ignore a missing SubjectAltName attribute in all certificates from any site.

  1. How To Resolve Google Chrome Privacy Error
Google Chrome Privacy Error

It involves creating a new DWORD (32-bit) Value named EnableCommonNameFallbackForLocalAnchors under HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesGoogleChrome. If this value is set to 1 then Chrome will ignore the missing SubjectAltName attribute. If it is set to 0 then Chrome will check for the missing SubjectAltName attribute.

Luckily, it’s easier to fix ERRQUICPROTOCOLERROR bug in a quite easy manner. For that, you have to perform the steps provided down below. Three ways to fix ERRQUICPROTOCOLERROR on Google Chrome. Learn about each privacy option from the list below: Allow Chrome sign-in: When you sign in to your Google Account, through a service like Gmail, you’ll be automatically signed in to Chrome. By turning this off, you can sign in to Google sites like Gmail without automatically being signed in to Chrome. Learn more about how to sign out of Chrome.

Note that Google does not recommend doing this because it decreases security for all sites. For further information please see the.Generating a self-signed certificate that includes the SubjectAltName attribute does not require a global change to Chrome. However, it does require the use of the OpenSSL utility. The following instructions have been tested using OpenSSL on CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 but should also work with other operating systems:. Generate a self-signed certificate in Encryption Management Server under System / Network / Certificates. Only the Hostname field needs to be populated.

How To Resolve Google Chrome Privacy Error

Under System / Network / Certificates click on the name of the self-signed certificate and then click on the Export button to export it. Choose to export the Keypair without a password. A binary file will be downloaded, for example, cert0x450554FF5792ED0A.p12. Under System / Network / Certificates click on the icon to delete the self-signed certificate. It will not be needed again. Upload the.p12 file to the machine that has OpenSSL installed.

On the machine running OpenSSL, run the following command to convert the.p12 binary file to a.pem text format file, no password is needed so press the Enter key when prompted:# openssl pkcs12 -in cert0x450554FF5792ED0A.p12 -out sems01.pem -nodesEnter Import Password:MAC verified OK. Extract the private key from the.pem file to a new file, for example, sems01.key. This can be done using a text editor or with the sed utility:# sed -n '/-BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-/,/-END PRIVATE KEY-/p' sems01.pem sems01.key.

Use OpenSSL to create a self-signed certificate that includes the SubjectAltName attribute.

Google Chrome Privacy Error